A new study highlights the future potential of ultrafast laser processing

The manipulation of two-dimensional materials, such as graphene and transition metal di-doping (TMDs), is crucial for the development of next-generation electronic, photonic, quantum, and sensor technologies. These materials have unique properties, including high electrical conductivity, mechanical flexibility, and tunable optical characteristics.

However, conventional processing methods often lack the necessary precision and may introduce thermal damage. This is where ultrafast laser processing comes into play, which enables unprecedented control over material properties at the nanoscale.

1 Ultrafast lasers for modifying materials

Recent advances in the field of light-matter interactions have paved the way for transformative applications of ultrafast laser processing in two-dimensional materials. In a new study, Aleksei Emelianov, Mika Pettersson from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, and Ivan Bobrinetskiy from the Institute of Biosensing, Serbia, explore the great potential of ultrafast laser technology in manipulating two-dimensional layered materials and van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures to achieve novel applications.

Ultrafast laser processing has become a versatile technology for modifying materials and introducing new functionalities. Unlike continuous wave and long pulse optical methods, ultrafast lasers offer a solution to the problem of thermal heating. Aleksei Emelianov, a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Jyväskylä, said that the nonlinear interaction between ultrafast laser pulses and the atomic lattice of two-dimensional materials has a significant impact on their chemical and physical properties.

2 New tools for manipulating the properties of two-dimensional materials
The researchers presented the progress made in the past decade, focusing on the transformative role of ultrafast laser pulses in maskless green technology, which enables subtractive and additive processes and paves the way for the development of advanced devices. The synergistic effect between the energy states within the atomic layer and ultrafast laser irradiation can achieve resolutions down to a few nanometers.
Aleksei Emelianov said: “Ultrafast light-matter interactions are being actively explored to study the unique optical properties of low-dimensional materials. In our study, we found that ultrafast laser processing has the potential to become a new technical tool for manipulating the properties of 2D materials.

3 reliable tools for advanced material processing

In addition, the research paper discusses major advances in functionalization, doping, atomic reconstruction, phase transitions, and micro- and nano-patterning in two and three dimensions. The ability to manipulate 2D materials at such a fine scale offers numerous possibilities for developing novel photonic, electronic, and sensor applications. Potential applications include high-speed photodetectors, flexible electronics, biohybrids, and next-generation solar cells. The precision of ultrafast laser processing enables complex micro- and nanoscale structures for use in telecommunications, medical diagnostics, and environmental monitoring.

The wide range of uses for ultrafast lasers in tweaking and modifying 2D materials is surprising. Mika Pettersson added that lasers have the potential to provide many technology developers with innovative solutions for 2D material processing. This review represents an important step forward in realizing the full potential of 2D and vdW materials and is expected to drive new advances in technology and industry.